Lets sell it

Looking to sell your home and have no idea where to start? Click the button below to download my Let’s Get Your Home SOLD Guide- FREE!!!

Ready to meet for a consultation? Click this link and send me a message! We will set up a call, and I’ll go over how we will get your property SOLD

Getting ready to sell you house?

Then it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! Selling a home, after all, entails a whole lot more than just planting a "For Sale" sign on your front lawn or uploading a few random photos of your place, especially if you’re angling for the most cash. So before you put your house on the market, use this guide of things to do in preparation. Some of these tips are surprisingly easy, while others might require a bit more elbow grease. But they're bound to pay off once buyers start "oohing "and "ahhing" over your place—and hopefully write up a great offer.

Home Staging

Should I stage my home? This is a question a lot of sellers find themselves asking. So lets look at the statistics: 83% of home buyers say staging makes it easier to visualize the property as a future home. 40% of buyer's agents say that staging has an affect on buyers view of the home. Will staging bring in higher offers? Realtors who work with buyers say MOST buyers are willing to offer more money for a staged home compared to a similar non-staged home. Need more information? Click the link below to download my FREE home staging guide!